
The School’s Board of Trustees operates in accordance with the National Association of Independent School’s Trustee Handbook: A Guide to Effective Governance for Independent School Boards. As such, Trustees are expected to comply with the Principles of Good Practice for Boards of Trustees and the Principles of Good Practice for Trustees of Independent Schools.  

The Board is a policy making body. It is the Board’s responsibility to establish the School’s mission, to ensure the School is successfully fulfilling its mission, and to plan for the future well-being of the School.  

In addition to establishing school policies and long range plans, the Board is accountable for ensuring the financial stability of the School. This includes responsibility for the School’s operating budgets, capital assets, fund raising initiatives, and endowment.  

The Board hires, supports, and evaluates the Head of School but does not become involved in the day-to-day operations of the School. The work of the Board is directed towards providing for the future of the School. 

Erin Angner, Parent - Chair

Rob Henry, Alumni - Vice Chair

Pete Green, Parent/Tennis Coach- Secretary

Dave DeCenzo, Community Member/Alumni - Finance Chair

Robin Johnson, Parent - PTO Chair

Kevin Barnes, Community Member/ Parent of Alumni

Hope Bergquist, Parent

Scott Hutto, Community Member

Tara Joseph, Parent

Dargan Postal, Parent/Alumni