Arts Program

The arts program at Lowcountry Preparatory School is an essential education experience for all students. We recognize that the fine arts play an integral part in the development of young minds. By developing skills in visual language, music, and drama and through creative exploration, students are encouraged to become more accurate and sensitive observers of themselves and the world around them.  They are encouraged to grow in self-confidence and to understand the importance of personal experience and identity.

Through an arts-integrated education, we experience and learn to look at the world with a different perspective. Students continually acquire and improve on fundamental skills and concepts central to all art: composition, form, light, color, line, shape, texture, and related subjects.

We are proud of our art program at Lowcountry Preparatory School.   The achievements of our students occur both within school and within the outside arts community. Students have the opportunity to exhibit, compete, and perform at many local venues.  Their works can be seen at  museums, community concerts, art contests, and recitals, as well as community service related arts ventures. Our students begin at the earliest age and have opportunities to continue through their senior year.  Lowcountry Preparatory School offers a wide variety of academic and studio classes as well as clubs and chorus.