Lower School

At Lowcountry Preparatory School, we believe that every grade is instrumental in preparing our children for college and beyond.  Each grade builds upon the previous grades with success dependent upon a strong foundation. This foundation begins in the Lower School. 

In the Lower School, the basics of learning begin, personalities are developed, and leadership skills are encouraged.  With emphasis on a strong curriculum, each classroom and teacher provides the opportunity for students to be challenged with daily work as well as enrichment opportunities to challenge them further. The small classroom size allows for individual attention. 

Our classrooms are focused on the core academics subjects of Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science. A hands-on approach for learning is promoted through our S.T.E.M. initiatives. Specialists in art, music, physical education, literacy, and foreign language extend our students learning past the classroom doors. Our students' technology skills are developed through a cross curriculum, hands on approach. 

Students begin their day with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer. New students at Lowcountry Preparatory School are integrated into the classroom seamlessly. Within a week, they no longer are the new student and feel like they have been with their classmates all year. Assessments are administered to ensure that new students are on track to meet current grade expectations. Any deficits are addressed with individualized, supplemental instruction to ensure that the student is successful in the transition to the new class.

Classic Curriculum

Each program consists of its own weekly theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming week.

Foreign Language

Students are exposed to foreign language starting in Kindergarten. Research shows that learning a second language boosts problem-solving, critical-thinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask.

Teacher: Student Ratios

We believe students learn faster and perform better in small class settings. Each student gets noticed and receives individualized attention from the teacher.

Traditional Classroom

Our school endorses traditional values such as integrity, honor, and respect. All members of the school follow the Honor Code, which states “A student does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”

Stem Certified School

SCISA STEM Certification provides a proven, research-based framework and criteria from which to assess and validate the quality, rigor and substance of STEM educational programs. Through this certification protocol, institutions and programs build awareness, increase expectations and demonstrate a commitment and ability to deliver high-quality STEM education. SCISA STEM Certification is a mark of STEM distinction and excellence for those institutions that are granted the certification. 


Middle School